During their career, the following training programs are a pre-requisite for promotion into next grade:
(i) Mid Career Management Course (MCMC) for promotion into BS-19
(ii) Senior Management Course (SMC) for promotion into BS-20
(iii) National Management Course (NMC) for promotion into BS-21
A number of foreign training courses offered by bilateral agencies are also available to the officers during the course of their careers.

Q5:- What is the duration of STP and which courses are being taught there?

Please click below for complete information about PAS STP:

Q6:- What is the post-devolution scope of the service?

With the restructuring of the political and administrative authority after devolution, the service structure of PAS was initially seen to be adversely affected after the abolition of all-powerful positions of ACs, DCs and Commissioners and the abolition of the executive magistracy.
Conversely, the post devolution scenario has shown that the role and scope of the administrative cadres as DCOs and Town Administrators has increased manifolds. So, PAS still remains to be the central and one of the most coveted service group of the Civil Services of Pakistan.

Q7:- What are the threats to this Group?

PAS officers have dual accountability before the law and their political leadership. Besides, current unstable political environment of the country and the inconsistent public policies are also some major factors that pose serious challenges to the service.

Q8:- How do you compare PAS with other cadres especially Police?

Each group of civil service has its own distinctive importance which distinguishes it from others, but PAS has no comparison as the members of this group occupy the senior most positions in bureaucracy. In PSP, the prospects of promotion are good upto BPS-20 and there is one ultimate task i.e., maintenance of law and order. While PAS officers are the real policy makers at all levels and they deal with larger issues and get to paint a bigger picture eventually.

Q9:- What are the advantages of joining PAS?

This Group provides an opportunity of public service with an access to the marginalized segments of society. It offers versatility in nature of tasks/duties performed during the service along with both vertical and horizontal career progression. In Short, PAS is the interface of government at the field level.

Q10:- How secure is this job?

PAS has adopted the role of permanent executive at district, provincial and federal level. It is a very secure career as it has undergone various reforms but its place remains pivotal in the affairs of governance.

Q11:- What are the prospects for females to join this group?

In this globalized world, the role of Pakistani women needs to be mainstreamed. By joining PAS, females can not only become a part of highest level public sector management but can also contribute in the national policy making.

Q12:- What are the perks and privileges for officers of this Group?

The perks and privileges of officers vary from post to post and grade to grade. The officers are entitled to salary and allowances as per government scales and rules. Transport is provided in most cases to the officers or at least pick and drop facility is provided after an officer completes training.

Q13:- What are the prospects for promotion in the PAS?

The prospects for promotion are very high and the promotion of the PAS officers is very rapid as compared to other occupational groups. The details are as follows:
Requirement for promotion to:
BS-18: Min 5 years of service termination of Probation and passing of Deptt. Exam
BS-19: 12 years of service, MCMC and eligibility score of 60 in PERs
BS-20: 17 years of service, SMC and eligibility score of 70 in PERs
BS-21: 22 years of service, NMC / NDC and eligibility score of 70 in PERs
BS-22: Selected from amongst BS-21 officers of APUG

Q14:- Can PAS officers be posted outside the country?

Yes, PAS officers can be posted outside Pakistan if they are selected for work in Pakistani embassies abroad as Commercial Counselors, etc.Serving bureaucrats superseded, retired promoted to BS-22

ISLAMABAD: The post-retirement promotion of two bureaucrats to the highest Basic Pay Scale (BPS) 22 qualifies them to get certain benefits although they will remain deprived of the luxury and comfort of the government service, carrying clout and perks and privileges.
Imran Ahmed belonging to Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS), popularly known as the DMG (district management group) and Shafiqur Rehman Ranjha, who recently retired after attaining the age of superannuation of 60, have just been promoted along with other officers.
One huge benefit that these promoted retired officials will attain will be a 500 square yard residential plot each in Islamabad, a senior bureaucrat told The News.
The piece of land is worth millions of rupees in the open market while its allotment price is quite meager in comparison to the proceeds of its sale. When the official was told that the new government may not allocate the plots to these officers, he said that so far this policy is in place and the administration may discontinue if it wills as per its austerity drive.
The second profitable advantage to such promoted officers, the official said, is to have augmented monthly pension, attached to BPS 22. The third benefit, though non-monetary, he said, is the prestige and status that the concerned officers will carry - they retired in grade 22.

Perks And Privileges Of Dmg Officers Of America

The official said that the post-retirement promotions were very rarely given due to the fact that such officers qualified for elevation but could not be moved upward as the selection board meeting was not held and they got superannuated.
AD Khawaja, currently the Inspector General of Motorway Police, was superseded in the instant round of promotions although he always earned immense appreciation from the Supreme Court while working as the Sindh police chief. On its orders, he was retained at this post for a long time despite the provincial government’s consistent desire and efforts to sideline him.
At a public rally on April 2, 2017, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan had criticised the removal of AD Khawaja as the Sindh police chief, saying that the move was made because the officer refused to facilitate corruption. 'I just read with dismay that AD Khawaja was relieved as the Inspector General of Police [IGP] Sindh not because he was involved in illegal activities, but because he was stopping others from committing illegal activities.”
Instead another senior police officer Naeem Khan was promoted. Nawaz Sharif as the prime minister had superseded him twice by not elevating him to Grade 22 on the basis of reports, the official, who is privy to the matter, said.
Hussain Asghar, who is currently the Director General of the Punjab Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) and has to his credit investigating mega corruption scandals without fear, has been placed in the highest grade of the civil service. He is due to retire in the next three months. He was made the ACE chief by the present government and has been tasked to dig out corruption of key leaders of the previous ruling party.
The official said that if Naeem Khan and Hussain Asghar were to be promoted for any reason, another post would have been created for adjustment of AD Khawaja in grade 22 because he met the requisite qualifications.

Perks And Privileges Of Dmg Officers Of India

As prime minister, Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani had promoted the biggest-ever number of bureaucrats, 56, to grade 22 so that his Principal Secretary, who, being junior was quite down the list, was also covered.
“The premier had shown immense largesse and benevolence so that the maximum numbers of officials are accommodated,” the official said.

Perks And Privileges Of Dmg Officers Program

However, these promotions were challenged in the Supreme Court, which struck them down. It ruled that at least two years’ service was required in BPS 21 for movement to the next grade. It further held that the prime minister has the discretion to do such promotions but it is not absolute. The discretion has to be judicious, reasonable and highly structured and will be justifiable in a court of law, the judgment said.
The official said that the senior most officer of the customs group, Zahid Khokhar, has also been superseded although he is known for his competence. Because of surpassing the revenue target, he was recently assigned the most prestigious position in the customs department.